Monday, 7 September 2015

Room 4's Post on Tuesday, 8 September 2015

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Wobbegong Sharks By Rory Wobbegong Sharks eat pufferfish,reef sharks,tuna and a whole lot of other stuff. Also surprisingly they don't attack humans.Their predators are a great white sharks and mako sharks. Humans kill them for their leather to make jackets. Their habitats are warm waters,shallow bays,caves,rocky bottoms. Wobbegong means shaggy beard, that's why it looks like it has coral on its mouth. They eat other sharks too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rory,
    That was lots of really interesting information you wrote.
    Do you know why the Wobbegone shark does not eat Humans?
    From Arlo and Lilly G in Room 7
